MPA Newsletter Mailing List

*It is only necessary to include the names of High School Music Students (band, choir, orchestra programs).

Additional information about DSF can be found on Membership Toolkit (MTK) at All DHS music students are eligible to participate in DSF fundraisers to help fund their personal music expenses. Parents and students with an MTK account login are able to view the student’s current DSF balance. Additional information about MTK can be found at

Parent Info
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Music Student Info
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Help Needed!


All schools and music programs can volunteer for any game.  Siblings age 12+ are welcome to help. Volunteer credit can be given if a student needs it.

Sign Up Here!

Save the Dates

  • Tuesday, April 8, 7:00 pm - Join us for an in-person MPA Meeting. The meeting will held at West HS.
  • Sunday, August 3 - The MPA will be co-hosting a Drum Corps International event and we will need parent and student volunteers to make the day a success.
  • Saturday, November 1 - Join us as the MPA hosts the USBands Pennsylvania State Championships. This is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and we need volunteers to make it happen. More details will follow.