The Downingtown West Indoor Percussion Ensemble, an enthusiastic group of talented students, have begun their preparations for an exciting season ahead, including a unique opportunity to compete at the WGI Percussion World Championships in Dayton, Ohio. As our percussionists begin their work of learning and perfecting the movement and music of this year’s show, we are seeking sponsorships to elevate the program and make this trip a reality.
Our ensemble is not only focused on musical excellence but also on fostering teamwork, discipline, and creativity among our members. Our students work tirelessly to develop their skills, perform at competitions, and collaborate with their peers. Participating in the WGI Percussion championships is a significant milestone for the group, as it provides a platform for our students to showcase their hard work and dedication to the art form.
We are looking for local businesses that understand the importance of investing in our young musicians and the performing arts. Your sponsorship would directly contribute to travel expenses, accommodations, and competition fees, allowing our students to focus on their performance.